Written by Xiomara - Margie - Overman
CEO from ActiV International Trade Services C.V.
CEO from ActiV Business Development Services
Last week I went for an Island Iced Cappuccino with Flavor at the local Café Barista in the local shopping mall with my family.
I was aware of their Service Robot which is taking the orders to the Tables that is very interesting.
My mission that day was to see how it is used at the Café if it is used at its full potential.
I love Technology and new devices are always sparkling new creative insights and ideas in me.
The first thing that is interesting is when there is a long queue, customers can place their orders through the Touch Display on the Robot which is very efficient.
The second interesting fact is how they program the Robot to take the order to the customer by adding the Number from the Table so that it is automated to deliver the order, that’s cool!
However I see that there are more features that will make the Service Bot a great investment for Café Barista that could generate several extra flows of income for them by including a RPA Strategist or RPA Operations Specialist so they can benefit the true potential of the Service Bot.
Here I share a Photo from Café Barista Service Bot
This is only one of the many changes occuring with the use of Machine Learning and RPA Technology in combination.
RPA Technology stands for Robotic Process Automation Technology which is opening new Job Functions in several Industries incl. Hospitality.
Exciting new opportunities arise with the use of the combination of Machine Learning and RPA Technology in 2024.
I’m sure there will be more to see in 2024 with the advancement in several industries.
Next week I will have an exciting new ActiV Blog Article
Bio: Xiomara (Margie) Overman is a System Automation Strategist specialized in Business Operations and Procedures.
She is a Motivational Speaker, Marketing and Business Advisor.