Written by Xiomara (Margie) Overman
Are You ready for all the new Trends which are flooding the market in 2022?
What I was expecting in 2021 to be starting to grow are already Flooding the Market today on the 12th of January 2022!
You may be asking "which are the Marketing Trends which are flooding the Market with New Tactics at this moment?"
Just let me give you a bigger picture from what was happening in 2021 and how in January it's coming in a New Curve in 2022
During the Pandemic the Consumers are already expecting Speed and Products that are Climate Preserving
As an Ambassador from Island Innovation in 2021 I had a closer look on all that was happening on the islands and where there were huge climate change
The 1st Marketing Trend that is booming is Climate Conscious Marketing Campaigns
This caused a huge change in my Perception. I became more interested in Preservation and changes in the Manufacture and Supply Chain Industry!
Several scarcity caused by multiple economic factors made this second Marketing Trend explode
The 2nd Marketing Trend that is growing is the Eco-Biologic Marketing Campaigns
One example that is very interesting is the Campaign from FedEx in 2021 to do a Eco Conscious StartUp Pitch Contest where the winners received a full year of Shipping Options among other Great prizes!
It was a Brilliant Campaign!!
The 3rd Marketing Trend that is a good one for Franchises to implement is the Hand Sanitizers Booths in your Franchise Unit
It's an Investment that is perfect!
You can see an example on this screenshot
You may ask where you can buy those Booths and integrate those Promotional Campaigns to play continuously at Your Location.
Are You in the Central America or Latin America Region?
Contact us and we will help you with
Contact one of the Digital Booth Distributors we work with
Create and Set Up Cool and Exciting Virtual Promotion for Your In-store Hand Sanitizer Booth
Would You like to Franchise Your Business - we have several including a Fast Track Program for every need
Are You Ready to implement one of the Marketing Trends in Your Franchise or Grow Your StartUp?
Contact us on WhatsApp +5999 6973095, because we are ready for 2022 with Exciting Programs
Written by Xiomara ( Margie ) Overman who specializes in Export Strategies and Business Procedures for Franchisors and Business Owners.
She is a StartUp Mentor and International Speaker who participates in several StartUp Events and supports StartUps in enter New Exciting Markets in several Countries